I'd rather undefine myself, I fight every day against short-of-sight Aristotelian categories. But if you want a few words, I'd say a thinker and a writer. I'm interested in exploring as many human environments as I can through working together with people who usually work there, experiencing their constraints, and finding out with them new creative solutions that often are overlooked because of cognitive and linguistic habits. At a higher level, I'm strongly interested in assembling a view that traverse all those fields to reveal the largest picture possible, what is neglected in an era of eccessive specialization. Then I write about it, as I did in my last essay whose title sounds "We are incalculable. Math and the last delusion of power" where I investigate on the nefarious effects of building knowledge about humans on formal models, and push for the need to limit this practice. As a professional I worked and still work in many roles. ITC consulting, concepting, copywriting, creative direction, script authoring, storytelling, communication strategy consulting, business writing, graphic designer. I taught for years. I am often a musician and sometimes an illustrator. All details here: https://stefanodiana.info/

Il mito della culla

Una libera trasposizione del mito della caverna di Platone